how it works

How It Works for Buyers

Step 1: Sign Up

  • Create Your Account: Start by signing up for an account on Provide your basic details to get started.
  • Set Up Your Profile: Complete your profile by adding relevant information about your business, project requirements, and preferences.

Step 2: Post Your Project

  • Define Your Needs: Clearly describe your project, including its scope, objectives, budget, and deadline.
  • Specify Skills Required: Mention the specific skills and expertise you’re looking for in a freelancer.
  • Add Additional Details: Attach any relevant files or documents to provide freelancers with a comprehensive understanding of your project.

Step 3: Review Proposals

  • Receive Bids: Freelancers will review your project and submit their proposals.
  • Evaluate Proposals: Review the proposals, including the freelancers' profiles, past work, ratings, and reviews.
  • Shortlist Candidates: Create a shortlist of freelancers who meet your requirements and fit your budget.

Step 4: Hire the Best Freelancer

  • Interview Freelancers: Conduct interviews or chat with shortlisted freelancers to discuss your project in detail.
  • Select the Best Fit: Choose the freelancer who best aligns with your project goals and budget.
  • Agree on Terms: Finalize the project scope, deadlines, and payment terms with the selected freelancer.

Step 5: Manage the Project

  • Communicate Effectively: Use’s messaging system to stay in touch with your freelancer.
  • Monitor Progress: Regularly check updates and provide feedback to ensure the project stays on track.
  • Collaborate: Share files, ideas, and revisions through the platform’s collaboration tools.

Step 6: Complete the Project

  • Review Deliverables: Thoroughly review the completed work to ensure it meets your expectations.
  • Approve the Work: Once you are satisfied, approve the work and release the payment to the freelancer.
  • Leave Feedback: Rate and review the freelancer based on their performance to help other buyers make informed decisions.


How It Works for Sellers

Step 1: Sign Up

  • Create Your Account: Register on by providing your basic details and creating a secure password.
  • Build Your Profile: Complete your profile with detailed information about your skills, experience, and expertise. Include a professional photo and portfolio samples.

Step 2: Find Projects

  • Browse Listings: Explore the marketplace for projects that match your skills and interests.
  • Set Alerts: Use keyword alerts to get notified of new projects that fit your expertise.
  • Filter Projects: Use advanced search filters to find projects based on budget, deadline, and other criteria.

Step 3: Submit Proposals

  • Craft Your Proposal: Write a compelling proposal that highlights your relevant skills, experience, and how you can add value to the buyer’s project.
  • Set Your Price: Quote a fair price for the project, considering the scope and your expertise.
  • Attach Portfolio Samples: Include examples of your previous work to showcase your capabilities.

Step 4: Communicate with Buyers

  • Answer Questions: Be responsive to any questions or clarifications from the buyer regarding your proposal.
  • Negotiate Terms: Discuss project details, deadlines, and payment terms to ensure mutual understanding.
  • Build Trust: Establish a good rapport with potential buyers to increase your chances of being hired.

Step 5: Get Hired

  • Finalize Agreement: Once selected, confirm the project scope, deadlines, and payment terms with the buyer.
  • Start Working: Begin working on the project according to the agreed terms and milestones.

Step 6: Deliver Quality Work

  • Stay Communicative: Regularly update the buyer on your progress and seek feedback.
  • Meet Deadlines: Ensure timely delivery of high-quality work to build a good reputation.
  • Handle Revisions: Be open to revisions and make necessary adjustments based on buyer feedback.

Step 7: Get Paid

  • Submit Work: Once the project is completed, submit the final deliverables through the platform.
  • Request Approval: Ask the buyer to review and approve the work.
  • Receive Payment: After approval, receive your payment securely through’s payment system.

Step 8: Build Your Reputation

  • Request Feedback: Encourage buyers to leave ratings and reviews based on your performance.
  • Enhance Profile: Use positive feedback to enhance your profile and attract more projects.
  • Continue Growing: Keep applying for projects, improving your skills, and building your reputation as a top freelancer on

By following these steps, both buyers and sellers can effectively navigate, ensuring successful collaborations and achieving their respective goals.