Featured and Sponsored Listing

Featured Listings

Overview: A Featured Listing ensures that your freelance services are prominently displayed on VIPFreelancer.com, increasing visibility and attracting more potential clients. This premium placement highlights your profile or gig, making it stand out in search results and on key platform pages.


  1. Basic Featured Listing

    • Description: Highlight your gig or profile with a "Featured" badge. Your listing will appear at the top of search results and on relevant category pages, providing increased exposure.
    • Duration: 7 days
    • Benefits:
      • Top placement in search results
      • Highlighted listing with a "Featured" badge
      • Increased visibility on category pages
      • Monthly performance report


  1. Standard Featured Listing

    • Description: Enhance your visibility with a "Featured" badge and priority placement on search results and category pages. This package also includes a boosted presence on the VIPFreelancer.com homepage.
    • Duration: 14 days
    • Benefits:
      • Priority placement in search results
      • Prominent "Featured" badge
      • Increased visibility on homepage
      • Highlighted position in category pages
      • Bi-weekly performance report


  1. Premium Featured Listing

    • Description: Maximize your exposure with top placement and extended visibility. This premium package includes a "Featured" badge, homepage promotion, and additional marketing efforts to ensure your gig or profile attracts the most attention.
    • Duration: 30 days
    • Benefits:
      • Top priority placement in search results
      • Prominent "Featured" badge
      • Homepage promotion with banner space
      • Enhanced visibility on all relevant category pages
      • Weekly performance report
      • Social media shoutout on VIPFreelancer channels

Sponsored Listings

Overview: A Sponsored Listing allows you to promote your freelance services through targeted advertising on VIPFreelancer.com. Your gig or profile will appear in sponsored slots across the platform, ensuring it reaches a broader audience and gains higher visibility.


  1. Basic Sponsored Listing

    • Description: Promote your gig or profile with a sponsored slot that appears in designated ad spaces on VIPFreelancer.com. Ideal for those looking to increase visibility without extensive exposure.
    • Duration: 7 days
    • Benefits:
      • Placement in sponsored ad slots
      • Targeted exposure on relevant pages
      • Increased click-through rates
      • Weekly performance insights


  1. Standard Sponsored Listing

    • Description: Boost your visibility with a sponsored slot that includes placement on high-traffic pages and a dedicated banner space. This package ensures more targeted reach and engagement with potential clients.
    • Duration: 14 days
    • Benefits:
      • Enhanced placement in high-traffic areas
      • Dedicated banner ad space
      • Increased visibility across multiple pages
      • Bi-weekly performance insights
      • Targeted audience reach with advanced analytics


  1. Premium Sponsored Listing

    • Description: Achieve maximum exposure with a top-tier sponsored listing package. This premium option includes prime ad slots, extensive banner promotion, and a strategic marketing plan to ensure your gig or profile attracts maximum attention.
    • Duration: 30 days
    • Benefits:
      • Prime placement in top ad slots
      • Extensive banner promotion on high-traffic pages
      • Comprehensive marketing strategy for increased reach
      • Detailed weekly performance reports
      • Featured position in related category pages
      • Enhanced targeting with in-depth analytics

How to Choose the Right Package

  • Featured Listings are ideal if you want to boost your listing’s visibility within the platform itself, providing a higher ranking and enhanced placement in search results and category pages.

  • Sponsored Listings are best for those looking to drive targeted traffic through prominent ad placements and banner promotions, reaching a broader audience beyond organic search results.

Note: All packages are subject to availability and may be adjusted based on demand and platform updates. For more information or to purchase a listing package, please contact our support team or visit our advertising page on VIPFreelancer.com.

For any further inquiries or custom advertising solutions, please reach out to our team at advertising@vipfreelancer.com.